issue in between would give you reading material every month or oftener rather than waiting for two months or more for the next TVia.

IV. TVIA FOR FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERS: When the price of TVia was raised from $4 to $5 starting with No. 61, I decided to try to hold to the $4 price for foreign subscribers in view of the exchange rate and differing income levels abroad. However, with continuing increases in costs here plus 2 different postal increases I regret to say that I shall have to increase the foreign rates to the same as those in the U.S., namely $5 per issue. As with domestic subscribers the first class surface postage will be included in the subscription price and as this comes to 76c for foreign postage alone it is easy to see why this change is made.


V. MY PHONE NUMBER: Several times in the past I have pub- lished my phone number but as there are many new readers I'll do so again. It is (213) 876-6141. It is also listed in the LA directory as Charles Virginia Prince - a method of double identification to those who know me through TVia. While I am always loaded with work, there comes a time when some of you feel the necessity of talking with another and when I get such calls I try to help in whatever way seems indicated.

VI. INTRODUCTION TO TVism LEAFLETS: We have just had another batch of these reprinted so that they are available and those of you sufficiently motivated to try to help others can again obtain them— at cost at 10c each. Buy several dollars worth and mail them to police, doctors, psychiatrists, marriage counselors, judges, attorneys or others who might come in contact with an FP sometimes and whose reaction to him might be more helpful for having gotten at least this much informa- tion about the subject. While on this I again urge you to pass on a little of the help you have gotten from knowing of TVia and FPE by donating a copy of the Wives book to several educational and public libraries in your area. For this purpose the book is available at $2 donation from you and I pay the postage which is 72 cents so there isn't much left over to cover the handling but it is one of the ways of finding and helping others. Send the money and enough letters of transmittal to the library and we'll do the rest. Tell the library that you are donating the book in the hope it will help others to understand and ask them not to put it on the reference shelf where people may be too embarassed to ask for it but out where it can be found.


CLIPSHEET: No. 35 of the Clipsheet has appeared and is avail- able. No. 34 is already gone though there are copies of the previous 6 num- bers still available. Here too all the older numbers are gone except for 2 or 3 issues of which there are a few copies left. So if clippings are "your thing" get with it or they won't be there.